Monday 20 January 2014

New Ipad new Apps

Our new iPad 4 (well second hand really but as good as new!)

We have decided to record the album using Cubasis as our recorder, mixer mastering machine etc anything recorded here can then later be transferred  to a PC or Mac into Cubase for mixing and mastering if we think that would improve the quality. Cubasis is just £34.99. A lot for an app but a small amount to pay for such amazing technology. We will still use Garageband for composing, creating and demos as it's simplicity enables you to not be distracted by too many variables. 

I have begun to transfer songs that have been recorded on Garageband into Cubasis. How this is done is quite laborious as you have to save each song track by track and the export it into the media files of Cubasis and the drag it into a newly created song with the same tempo as the original. One song with just 8 tracks took about 20 mins to do but I'm sure it will speed up as I get more familiar with the process. 

The availability of so many options is a bit mind blowing at first as I've become used to just getting it recorded quickly. Each track has individual EQ, Compression and FX's and then the same with the master channel. I'll keep you up to date how it's all going but my one concern is over stretching the iPad's processing capability and getting glitching. I heard that happen for a period until I re booted and went into Airport mode. It was then smooth. 

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