Saturday 15 February 2014

Auria The Way Forward?

It pains me to say it because there is so much I loved about it but we have pretty much had to ditch Cubasis as our primary DAW for recording the album. I've started to work with Auria which is so much more stable and seems in a different league. You can add individual effects, eq, compression, mix automation......actually I'm not going to bore you with what it can do as it would take you all day to read it! Safe to say that it has everything required to record and mix the album and all for £30!

Friday 7 February 2014


Well the Cubasis looks professional doesn't it! 

We thought that having an App created by the geniuses at Steinberg
would be our safest bet for making our album but it has failed on many levels.

We decided that to keep things fresh and flowing that we would track on Garageband and then copy into Cubasis to do final overdubbing and mixing. The first problem was glitching. A lot of glitching! This could at first be overcome by re booting the iPad but it got worse the more tracks we added. Secondly there was a discrepancy in the timing between Garageband and Cubasis. This hasn't occurred when transferring to Multitrack Daw so we know that its a problem with Cubasis. This means that auto correct can't be used as the timing is totally out. 

The second problem is in editing. Shifting a track in time is a massive pain! If the increment is less than a beat then forget it as Cubasis snaps the data to a larger increment and it's impossible to get audio tracks in time.

There are also many limitations compared to cheaper DAW's and until Steinberg fix some major problems then it's not usable. 

We have decided now to go with another DAW which I'm not going to mention yet until we see that it works!